Delusional Warren Buffett Investors Lose Life Savings on TEVA and Kraft Heinz
So many people lost their life savings investing in delusional ideas from a dangerous investor, Warren Buffett, gambling with others' people money. Learn how self-learning AI trading algorithms helped everyone else beating delusional investors.

So many people lost their life savings investing in delusional ideas from a dangerous investor, Warren Buffett, gambling with others' people money. Learn how self-learning AI trading algorithms helped everyone else beating delusional investors.
Are you familiar with Kraft-Heinz story? What about Goldman Sachs crash, and Apple?
Have you gone bankrupt with Warren Buffett on TEVA? Don't despair you are not alone trusting a dangerous ignorant. A monkey can do better $TEVA $KHC
— ALEX (@vieiraUAE) April 12, 2019
The story behind investing in TEVA with a delusional seeing every soul losing their life savings is no different.
AI Vision is the world leader in self-learning algorithms with applications in numerous industries such as aerospace, finance, automotive and military.
As an investor in the markets you have a better chance with a monkey than Warren Buffett. Shall I say more?
I recommend the free lesson on how to prevent great losses in the markets, and the best stocks to invest in my portfolio. Alex
An outstanding company to invest in Warren Buffett, a dangerous ignorant, does not even know! You cannot go wrong unless you are an idiot as Buffett on TEVA and HEINZ SCAM $ILMN #biotech
— ALEX (@vieiraUAE) April 12, 2019