The Vision that Changed People's Lives Helping Them to Defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic

The past few months have been very complicated for people going through very restrictive lockdowns and financial issues.  As a mother, I experienced it firsthand, but our team learned to see this crisis as a lifetime opportunity to improve by explaining how to defeat the coronavirus changing people's lives.

This is my first post on this Blog. I am Intuitive Code CEO. The pandemic brought great concerns to me as a mother. I had to interrupt my business activity for a long period of time to focus entirely on my family. During this time, I decided to help on my own manufacturing hand-made masks for healthcare personnel. Fortunately, the government acted quickly solving this issue.

Intuitive Code CEO Making Masks for Hospital - Automated AI Trading Financial Live News
Intuitive Code CEO is making masks for a hospital until further notice, therefore she will not be available to address any request. The autonomous trading team will remain open during this period. Alex will answer users’ questions on meetings for the next months.Although Elena is no longer available…

I am not going to explicitly talk about investing, but instead how we helped people to defeat the coronavirus pandemic. A few months ago, I challenged Alex to write an article about this topic of great importance opening the door for people to think about it instead of overreacting or panicking which is unfortunately the normal path people often take.

How to Defeat the Coronavirus

To me, this is the most important article on the Blog for calendar year 2020. Why? because it changed the lives of too many fulfilling its primary objective. Hence, a kind word of appreciation to Alex.

Racism. Fear. Stupidity Reigns. Learn How to Defeat the Coronavirus.
The world is not prepared to deal with an epidemic event, which is far to be pandemic. Misleading headlines seek traffic on their websites. Trolls and social media influencers spread fear. The stupid mass races to the pharmacy to get a mask. Restaurants proudly hold a sign “Chinese not allowed”.
How to defeat the coronavirus

Since Alex's article was published Riots surged in the United States. As a leading research firm we expected this event and to capitalise on it - capitalise shall be understood as an opportunity to improve, to change strategy aiming at a superior outcome.

The 1967 Detroit Riots were among the most violent and destructive riots in U.S. history. By the time the bloodshed, burning and looting ended after five days, but the conflicts of 2020 aren’t just a repeat of past troubles; they’re a new development in the American fight for racial equality.

2020 is not 1968: To understand today’s protests, you must look further back
The conflicts of 2020 aren’t just a repeat of past troubles; they’re a new development in the American fight for racial equality.

You might have noticed that Alex's talks about Tesla on his article on how to defeat the coronavirus. There is a reason for it. The crisis is an opportunity to refocus on your vision, in his case Tesla's bright future.

Tesla Legend Alex Vieira Sees Stock Cheaper than Apple
We’ve been explaining that only outrageously stupid people have not invested in Tesla yet after we published more than one hundred calls in the past few months referring to the most extraordinary and affordable stock in the world.
Alex Vieira shares his vision on Tesla
You cannot change the future. It is upon each one of us to use the brain that God gave us properly. Fortunately, we rely on mathematics rather than human beings to make decisions. Alex Vieira. February 2020
Tesla Legend PUT PEDAL TO THE METAL for $1 Billion Profit - Automated AI Trading Financial Live News
Put the Pedal to the Metal and start moving on ludicrous profits, said the legendary investor. If the speed decreases, you can squeeze the balls for an extra charge on bears. Alex Vieira
Market legend investment strategy on Tesla

As for myself, I rarely trade stocks totally disregarding what appears to be a chaotic daily movement. I invest in long-term visions, therefore, I have been a Tesla investor. Hopefully, you accepted Alex's challenge to defeat the coronavirus.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Einstein.
A.I Trading APP Releases Tesla Stock Analysis Fueling Rally from $179 to $1,550 Worth 300 Billion Market Cap
Learn the truth about the extraordinary team behind Tesla historical stock rally from $179 to $1,550 in just twelve months worth today $300 billion market cap, more than Toyota and Volkswagen combined. Alex Vieira disclosed his investment strategy to make billions in the markets.

Take care!