Peloton First Fitness Bicycle in the Market with Apple M1 Chip

I am going to demonstrate that you are not only outrageously stupid but equally a scammer regardless of what you do because deep inside you know that you really are.

Peloton First Fitness Bicycle in the Market with Apple M1 Chip

I am going to demonstrate that you are not only outrageously stupid but equally a scammer regardless of what you do because deep inside you know that you really are.

Lawsuit Notification

If you are a bearish scammer, you must pay the bill. Kindly note your account is terminated.

Alex Vieira Lawsuit Against Tesla Bears Terminating Accounts - Automated A.I Trading Financial Live News
Alex Vieira is notifying those clients that refused to invest in Tesla or went short to be sued. If you are a bearish scammer, you must pay the bill. Kindly note your account is terminated giving notice here I am going to contact customers requiring an explanation whether you invested in Tesla, expe…
Tesla short-sellers get lawsuit notification

If I say that Peloton is the first fitness bicycle in the market with Apple M1 Chip it becomes a fact even if there is no chip inside. Do you understand?

If I say that Peloton is the bull of the day, you cover your fucking short position and you go long. Do you understand?

You are not only outrageously stupid but equally a scammer. Alex Vieira

If I say that Snowflake is worth $120 billion, it is worth 120 billion regardless of your opinion. Do you understand?

If I tell you to sell Nikola because it is going to crash, you sell and go short regardless of your useless fucking miserable opinion. Do you understand?

If I tell you that Twilio, you never heard about, is the next Netflix, it is the next Netflix even if it does not compete in the same space. Do you fucking understand?

If I tell you that Chipotle is the tasty food ever, it is, regardless of whether you like it or not, you are forced to swallow it. Do you fucking understand?

If I tell you that you are merely a scammer, you are a scammer regardless of what you do because deep inside you know that you really are.

World Best Investors Bet Everything in Tesla Mocking the SEC and Stupid Americans
The average American is absurdly stupid failing to comprehend the SEC has never had any mission or positive action in the history of the markets. Tesla has been grossly undervalued as reported here seeing its market cap doubling at the fastest pace in history.

I told you and I repeat it again, even my fucking dog makes money in the markets.

Even My Dog Makes Money in the Stock Market!
You have to be a complete dumb idiot if you have not been able to make a fortune in the stock market. Even my dog makes money in the stock market. The question is whether you are dumber than my dog.
Even My Dog Makes Money in the Stock Market

So, call your broker and start investing in your country before you are spanked hard.