Invest in AutoZone Stupid American! Safest Investment Ever!
I've been screaming to invest in AutoZone for years, however, I had to move mountains fighting stupid Americans to convince them to make millions of dollars following my guidance. Likewise investing in Adobe, Amazon, Shopify, Microsoft, Intuitive Surgical, Nvidia, AMD, and many others.

I've been screaming to Invest in AutoZone for years, however, I had to move mountains fighting stupid Americans to convince them to make millions of dollars following my guidance. Likewise investing in Adobe, Amazon, Shopify, Microsoft, Intuitive Surgical, Nvidia, AMD, Best Buy, Tesla, and two hundred more.
Firstly, and foremost, you have to learn how to use Americans as Guinea Pigs.
On this subject you find hundreds of lessons in more than two thousand blog articles. Trump is a genius using them. Steve Jobs also used them since inception treating the crowd as plain stupid disregarding their useless opinions.
The crowd is plan stupid. It exist to serve our best interests.

In my course on Live Technical Analysis which I do not sell because it is 100% free for users I explained why to invest recently in AutoZone (AZO), O'Reilly (ORLY), Advance Auto Parts (AAP) at $490, $180, and $85 respectively.
Thinking about buying Lifetime Premium Bundle? Read our latest review of the product by Jeff. via @yotpo
— ALEX (@vieiraUAE) December 13, 2019
Thereafter, I explained why to ADD to these positions as Americans remained BEARISH spreading FAKE NEWS on SCAM websites SeekingAlpha, Yahoo, Stocktwits, Benzinga, and so on.
Americans are the best Guinea Pigs in the world. These retards truly believed that Valeant was going to be the Next Berkshire Hathaway following the advise of a criminal Bill Ackman!
AutoZone (AZO) remained one of my core investment positions where I've still had 50% interest seeing shares rallying to $1270 in 2019

Goldman Sachs Americans Stupid Unreliable Objects
Learn more how Goldman Sachs tries to manipulate the sentiment of the stupid American crowd while having fun.

Stupid Americans do not comprehend the value of long-term investment

Warren Buffett a long-term investor has been trying to teach Americans but most refuse to listen stupid as they are!