Alex Vieira on Historical Tesla Call Predicts Bears Collapse, Capitulation, and Bankruptcy
It's over for Tesla bears! After numerous warnings from the legendary investor urging everyone to cover their short positions going long at $179 the final note came out from bearish UBS almost tripling their price target on Tesla.
It's over for Tesla bears! After numerous warnings from the legendary investor urging everyone to cover their short positions going long at $179 the final note came out from bearish UBS almost tripling their price target on Tesla.
Historical Real-Time Tesla Call
We made available to everyone the ultimate Tesla bottom on the Blog in real-time. Our track record is perfect since 1989.
SEC? Which SEC? No One Challenges Alex!
Were you hoping for the SEC to save your ass? You're dreaming Pal. You and them were duly warned!
Stupid arrogant people shall not invest in the markets
David Who? Other Stupid American!
Irresponsible and unprofessional people who have been spreading fake news all over the web got a response and solution to their problems. Cover and go long!
There is always the option of closing a short position going long. Merry Christmas.
Hoping for Wall Street Downgrades?
Wall Street is useless, they have been wrong about Tesla since IPO. Alex Vieira made you a historical favor exposing the truth!
Billion Profit Ahead for Real Investors
Tesla bears are not investors, just fools who were lined up for bankruptcy. They lost everything instead of making $1 billion profit.
The Final Blow to Tesla Bears
Bears hoped for survival until the last minute, last cent hoping that Morgan Stanley would give them a life blood line. You're dreaming Pal!
Unlimited Funds! Bears Meltdown!
Those who have the funds and vision dictate the rules. You've one option only, join the world's best and retire within 6 months only!
Tesla soared to $594 on yesterday's session. UBS issued a note on a scam website IT'S OVER!