Alex Vieira Has Just Made $1 Billion in Two Months! Slack Crashes! ROKU and Acadia Soars!
Alex Vieira described Slack IPO fate within 1-minute on its debut trading on the exchange! It's Einstein Theory of Relativity living proof materialized by AI Perelman trading algorithms demonstrating flawless execution.
Alex Vieira described Slack IPO fate within 1-minute on its debut trading on the exchange! It's Einstein Theory of Relativity living proof materialized by AI Perelman trading algorithms demonstrating flawless execution.
Listen to Alex raw video on Slack IPO debut
Slack share price crashed losing billions in market cap, while ROKU soared to $176
Autonomous AI Trading has been preparing for version 8. By making a subtle change moving just 5% of the total users on Alex Live Trading to the website Google rank position increased by 1 million.
If tomorrow we wish to have the site placed in the top 50,000 worldwide we just have to push a button moving all users to the site which we are not going to do since we will continue using the app. As I've been saying for years, we have more than 20,000 users, with some clients contributing with more than 500 licenses. Alex
Autonomous Trading will divert web traffic in the coming weeks slowing down web traffic while increasing pricing as strategy of the company.
Mallinckrodt (MNK) melted 98% as the legend spoke naming investors terrorists
Perelman said I Can Control the Universe. Einstein said the Future is Determined. Both are Genius. You're Irrelevant. Alex