Wall Street Chooses Alex Vieira OKTA Forecast to Turn $240,000 into $5 Million
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Invest in OKTA
The important is not to be right all the time, but knowing what to do when we are wrong. This differentiates the losers from those who opted-in to succeed long-term.
The legendary OKTA investor has never been so bullish in the pandemic economy getting the help of FED funds for any bailout he set the highest price target in the world for OKTA!
Some Wall Street analysts had to almost double their price targets on OKTA to keep it up with the demand for shares sending OKTA to $196.
Everyone has been mocking stupid unemployed Americans. Congratulations to Wall Street, FED Powell, and Trump behaving as expected.
Lost Your Job? No Problem!
Raymond James chose Lululemon (LULU) to turn $240,000 into $10 million by raising its price target to $335
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