Legend Who Nailed Bitcoin Bottom and Crash Calling Historically Rally Has Just Sold

History is made by people like Grigori Perelman and Einstein not by ignorant prophets as Warren Buffett, the SEC, or Wall Street analysts. Alex Vieira algorithms proved to be the most accurate in the history of the markets turning Elon Musk into the world's richest person.

Legend Who Nailed Bitcoin Bottom and Crash Calling Historically Rally Has Just Sold

History is made by people like Grigori Perelman and Einstein not by ignorant prophets as Warren Buffett, the SEC, or Wall Street analysts. Alex Vieira algorithms proved to be the most accurate in the history of the markets turning Elon Musk into the world's richest person.

In March 2014, when Warren Buffett said that Bitcoin was worthless, Alex Vieira stepped in calling him literally a "scammer", a false prophet and ignorant.

In My Country, one of the Greatest in history, Oracle is synonymous with Scam. We Only Believe in God. Alex Vieira.

He repeated the same every time Wall Street downgraded Tesla. None of these people comprehend the financial markets. All of them are gamblers trying to convince everyone else about their own convictions and beliefs about what is going to happen without having any credibility or track record.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Einstein.
World Best Investors Bet Everything in Tesla Mocking the SEC and Stupid Americans
The average American is absurdly stupid failing to comprehend the SEC has never had any mission or positive action in the history of the markets. Tesla has been grossly undervalued as reported here seeing its market cap doubling at the fastest pace in history.
Invest in Tesla

Warren Buffett repeatedly said he would not buy Tesla shares. Bitcoin rallied to $42,000 and Tesla to almost $5,000

To become a billionaire making money out of other people misery and ignorance is what Warren Buffett and Wall Street has been doing for decades.

A few years ago, Alex Vieira stepped in on social media warning everyone that you were going to see the biggest crash ever in the crypto markets. He made the announcement at the very top across all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. Ripple melted over 95%.

At that time, he received more dislikes than ever before, he did not expect the contrary, being the data collected and used by his algorithms to bet against everyone. Cryptocurrencies crashed and those who bet against him lost everything. Nevertheless, he continued helping people creating free discussions groups explaining the mathematics.

At that time, the crowd did not care, but credible institutions, wealthy, and important people who have never had a social media account like him supported his view. All of them put their money in Alex's algorithm.

Later on, he came out announcing the bottom in the crypto markets when Bitcoin crashed down to $3,500 forecasting that in the future people would send it to new all-time highs.

In March 2020, he called a market bottom, urging people to buy millions of shares of American companies - Tesla, Apple, and ETF's - to make billions of dollars in the stock market. He came out with a price target  for Bitcoin $39,000.

Legend Who Called Market Crash Says to Buy Apple and ETF QQQ to Make Billions
The visionary investor explains why you must buy Apple shares to make billions in the markets during the pandemic economy. Follow his free advise to make billions in the markets. He has never missed a call on Apple. We include Apple price target.
Buy Millions of Apple shares and ETF QQQ

History repeats itself and in January 2021, he saw Bitcoin rallying to $42,000 and Tesla to almost $5,000. He has been explaining how to become a billionaire investing in Tesla since IPO.

Alex Vieira Urges Sell Nikola Shares to Invest in Tesla Forecasting $1 Billion Profit
In his most recent webinar and livestream Alex Vieira explained why investors should sell Nikola to invest in Tesla disregarding the useless opinion of Wall Street and Main Street.

Now, he is no longer interested in remaining a Bitcoin investor even if its price goes much higher - cash is in the bank, everyone has been proven wrong again except him.  No one believed in the crazy Perelman, but he did.  

History is made by people like Grigori Perelman and Einstein not by ignorant prophets as Warren Buffett, the SEC, or Wall Street analysts. Alex Vieira.

Alex Vieira has never asked for a single dollar sharing his opinion with those who wanted to be helped. Are we clear, or do you still need further evidence?

Alex Vieira Live on Bitcoin

You can find Alex Vieira on YouTube live helping people just like you.

World’s Greatest BitCoin Investor Alex Vieira Live on YouTube $37,000
Today I recommended reducing the investment in Bitcoin at $37,000 for the first time since I called a bottom on the cryptocurrency at $3,500 making all calls available in real-time and free on the Blog and social media Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

He promised to go on live trading daily on YouTube ending the poverty in the world turning you into a millionaire once the number of paying members rises above 10,000 for $99 per month. Since Google demands 35% of the cake, he cannot accept other conditions. Share with others.

Legend Vision Turns Elon Musk in World's Richest Person

I invest in long-term visions, therefore, we have been Tesla investors. Hopefully, you accepted Alex's challenge to defeat the coronavirus.

The Vision that Changed People’s Lives Helping Them to Defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic
The past few months have been very complicated for people going through very restrictive lockdowns and financial issues. As a mother, I experienced it firsthand, but our team learned to see this crisis as a lifetime opportunity to improve
The Vision that Changed People's Lives Forever
World Best Investors Never Made So Much Money Investing in Tesla
It’s such a gigantic pile of money I and customers don’t know what else to do. If it was used to take 14 minutes to buy a new Model 3 with profits investing in Tesla, it now takes less than 3 minutes!!!