Alex Vieira Selling AMD $58 Calling Fastest Market Crash in History
The trader who called the best stock rally in decades informed investors worldwide to be selling his position in Advanced Micro Devices AMD acquiring massive short positions. Markets crashed the most in 5 years with the S&P 500 seeing its fastest correction in history.
The trader who called the best stock rally in decades informed investors worldwide to be selling his position in Advanced Micro Devices AMD acquiring massive short positions. Markets crashed the most in 5 years with the S&P 500 seeing its fastest correction in history.
The legendary investor who told you to buy millions of AMD shares has bad news!
Alex Vieira bailed out of AMD downgrading seeing problems ahead for those gambling in the stock market.
Live Market Crash Forecast ETF Trading
The trader who called the best stock rally in decades informed investors worldwide to be selling his positions in the U.S stock market acquiring massive short positions. Markets crashed the most in 5 years with the S&P 500 seeing its fastest correction in history.