Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Jim Cramer Very Bullish U.S Tech Bubble Stocks. AI Algorithm Calls The Trade Desk Crash
The Autonomous AI Trading team renewed its bet on The Trade Desk stock crash after confirming that fraudsters Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Jim Cramer continued deliberately defrauding investors in the U.S stock market.
The Autonomous AI Trading team renewed its bet on The Trade Desk stock crash after confirming that fraudsters Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and Jim Cramer continued deliberately defrauding investors in the U.S stock market.
Fortunately, we have addressed how to invest in the Trade Desk (TTD) since IPO. As a result, we downgraded The Trade Desk to junk at $110.
The Trade Desk share price plunged to $44 in today's session. In August, fraudsters were calling a bottom in the U.S stock market while we were urging to sell stocks going short on margin.
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