Virgin Galactic Excluded from First Ever Movie Filmed in Space. Hype vs. Deserved Success
Learn how to compare professional work versus hype. Knowledge after all is power and outstanding results are a consequence of hard work, perseverance, and patience. The pioneers are those deserving the credit, not hipsters.

Learn how to compare professional work versus hype. Knowledge after all is power and outstanding results are a consequence of hard work, perseverance, and patience. The pioneers are those deserving the credit, not hipsters.
Disclosure: I am Russian.
As an investor you’ve (like me) probably bought as many stocks as humanly possible because you believed they could outperform. Knowledge after all is power and lets face it, we’re all looking for that game changing investment strategy, that will supply some golden nuggets of information that will help “up our game”, and quite possibly propel you to overnight investor rockstar status.
Fortunately, you have us doing the job for you albeit hard work, perseverance and patience remain key to succeed. I personally find reading the autonomous trading blog a great way to gain a different perspective, to mull over new ideas and dissect case studies of other investors’ endeavours. — I also gain motivation.
Where I draw the line is when I read any media press which tries to convince me that success is a pre-defined check list of must have commodities and attributes.
You can read the original story on CNN
After filming the first movie in space, Russian actress Yulia Peresild, producer-director Klim Shipenko and cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy have safely returned home.
After saying farewell to the rest of the astronauts and cosmonauts on the International Space Station and closing the hatch at 4:41 p.m. ET on October 16, their Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft undocked from the station at 9:14 p.m.
The crew's return to Earth comes on the heels of a scheduled thruster firing test of the Soyuz spacecraft Friday morning while it was still docked with the space station. At 5:13 a.m. ET Friday, the thruster firing continued unexpectedly after the test was scheduled to end. This resulted in a loss of orientation control for the space station.
Peresild and Shipenko traveled to the space station alongside veteran Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov on October 5, encountering a bit of real-life drama -- in the form of communications issues -- while docking to the space station. Over the course of 12 days, they filmed their movie, "Challenge," the first feature film shot in space.

The movie will tell the story of a surgeon, played by Peresild, who has to operate on a sick cosmonaut in space, portrayed by Novitskiy, because the cosmonaut's medical condition prevents him from returning to Earth to be treated. Filming for the movie continued during the crew farewells and hatch closing.
The film is being made under a commercial agreement between Roscosmos and Moscow-based media entities Channel One and studio Yellow, Black and White.
You can compare the enjoyment and success of the Russian crew versus Virgin Galactic madness hype, and incompetent management whose aim has been to get rich exploiting naive investors.

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