Tesla Investor Solves Mystery on CoronaVirus Pandemic Event
Alex Vieira addresses the biggest mistakes in his life, while a Tesla investor solved his own personal issues after being continuously blocked by fake news. What investors shall do before Coronavirus pandemic event news.

Alex Vieira addresses the biggest mistakes in his life, while a Tesla investor solved his own personal issues after being continuously blocked by fake news. What investors shall do before Coronavirus pandemic event news.
Alex Confesses His Biggest Mistakes
The first big mistake was to announce the crash in the cryptomarkets forecasting a meltdown helping everyone to get out at the top.

The second biggest mistake was to announce the ultimate bottom in Tesla on the Blog ahead of the best rally in the history of the stock market.

The Truth Behind Tesla Stock Rally
A compelling story and review from a Tesla investor who felt continuously mentally blocked because of so much fake news on the press, scam websites, and Wall Street downgrades.
I felt so stupid by missing Tesla that I asked for Alex help. He kindly advised buying NIO, Tesla and other names. Actually it was in my plan but I was blocked by fear due to so much negativity in my country. Meanwhile my account soared $200,000. I stopped watching YouTube and reading SeekingAlpha. I feel much more confident on my daily life. I can feel freedom of choice. I was used to experience issues whenever I had to pull the trigger always afraid of losing control. I'm no longer feeling it. Having Alex as mentor helped indeed. Thank you so much. A. Maldini.

CoronaVirus Pandemic Event
Or the authorities are lying about the severity of the issue or there is something wrong out there!
What shall investors do? We published instructions for users on the blog. Further information is available in the app to lifetime users, and even more for those on live trading.
We've made our job. You shall make yours. Going forward secrecy is of the utmost importance. Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Alex