Morgan Stanley: Rivian is ‘the one’ that can Challenge Tesla Signals Worst EV Stock Crash Ever
I have never made so much money in my life by continuing doing the same I have been doing since 1989, betting against dumb Americans who genuinely believe they somehow can change the future. So Rivan, a MEME stock, quickly became one of my favorite short positions.
I have never made so much money in my life by continuing doing the same I have been doing since 1989, betting against dumb Americans who genuinely believe they somehow can change the future. So Rivan, a MEME stock, quickly became one of my favorite short positions.
Intuitive Code creates artificial intelligence algorithms. Our research and analysis have applications in the fields of technology and finance. In addition, we develop apps and software robots powered by machine learning, predictive analytics, pattern recognition, and intelligent assistants to enable AI RPA.
Rivian is ‘the one’ that can challenge Tesla: Morgan Stanley.
On Nov. 15, 2021, I published my vision on how to invest in Rivian (RIVN), a MEME stock, helping thousands to succeed and retire from the markets, including myself.
By 2022, I've witnessed Rivian share price melting to $20. In 2019, we warned you about Morgan Stanley's fraud on Tesla's analysis.

I shall remind you that, unlike everyone else, I never needed to work for anyone to have a fulfilling life.
You might also be interested in the following articles referring to facts rather than perceptions of reality. Then, hopefully, you can develop your principles to succeed in life as I did.

The more stupid Americans you have lined up in the same direction, the stronger the move will be in the opposite direction. Alex Vieira
To succeed in life and the markets, I strongly recommend betting against fraudulent Americans forever, letting them reveal their visions, then placing your market orders in the opposite direction. It worked for me, and for anyone following me for decades, it will work for you. Have a great future.