Market Genius Who Called Apple Crash Has Just Made $2.3 Billion Teaching How to Trade for Free

The market genius who predicted Apple stock crash downgrading to Strong Sell at $232 acquiring the largest short sell stake in two decades has just made $2.3 billion sharing his trades in real-time with the investment community for free.

Market Genius Who Called Apple Crash Has Just Made $2.3 Billion Teaching How to Trade for Free

The market genius who predicted Apple stock crash downgrading to Strong Sell at $232 acquiring the largest short sell stake in two decades has just made $2.3 billion sharing his own trades with the investment community for free. He has never failed one single price prediction in Apple history!

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. Einstein

Listen to Alex Live on Apple Crash $232 to $142

Apple market cap has been slashed by more than $300 billion dollars following a downgrade to Strong Sell at $232. Now, that Apple shares crashed to $143 with Wall Street turning bearish the name, the world wants to know Alex's opinion!

Autonomous AI Vision CEO has never failed one single prediction in Apple history!

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How to invest in Apple for free! Only complete idiots lose money!

Learn the Undeniable Truth About Apple Crash and Warren Buffett Seeing Dow Jones Going to 1 Million

Jim Cramer and Wall Street Turn Bearish! Sign of a Market Bottom?

Jim Cramer turns bearish Apple after shares crash seeing $120 on the horizon! The same bullish crowd buying Apple at $230 following Cramer's advise is now bearish! Can Apple share price rally ahead?

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