Artificial Intelligence vs. Warren Buffett vs. Wall Street Investing in the Markets
The true story behind the best stocks to buy and to sell short in 2019. Learn how a monkey outperforms the Oracle of Wall Street who has accumulated losses of 24 billion dollars gambling in Apple and Goldman Sachs while Wall Street deceived Pacific Gas Electric investors ahead of the collapse.

The true story behind the best stocks to buy and to sell short in 2019. Learn how a monkey outperforms the Oracle of Wall Street who has accumulated losses of 24 billion dollars gambling in Apple and Goldman Sachs while Wall Street deceived Pacific Gas Electric investors ahead of the collapse.
Before proceeding refer to the article Study Comparing Warren Buffett to a Monkey Investing in the Markets Shows Similar Results
Best Stock to Invest in 2019
The crook who people call an Oracle has never invested in Netflix (NFLX), the world's best stock performer in the past decade.
InvestING in Netflix with AI Vision Group for free $NFLX #netflix
— ALEX (@vieiraUAE) January 15, 2019
Likewise the crook has never invested in Twilio (TWLO) the next Netflix. He does not even know what Twilio does.
Learn how Twilio investors turned into millionaires subscribing to FAST MONEY $TWLO #twilio
— ALEX (@vieiraUAE) January 15, 2019
Oracle & Wall Street Upgrade Bankrupt Pacific Gas Electric Ahead of Collapse.
The Oracle and some Wall Street firms share a common interest - investing in corruption.