Legendary Stock Forecasts to Outperform. Buy Crocs. Sell Short Tesla

Learn why Tesla became the best-selling short opportunity in decades, while Crocs's share price outperforms any big tech company, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, and Amazon.

Legendary Stock Forecasts to Outperform. Buy Crocs. Sell Short Tesla

Learn why Tesla became the best-selling short opportunity in decades, while Crocs's share price outperforms any big tech company, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, and Amazon.

Shocking for most but true. Americans don't wear leather shoes, nor do they eat steak or read books, they drink coke, masturbate, and watch TikTok all day long, showing their new rubber, Crocs shoes
Why is Crocs Outperforming Tesla? AI Algorithms Dictate the Rules in the Stock Market
Are you stunned by the fact that Crocs share’s price has been outperforming Tesla’s? You should not because we made the call while sharing our insight with investors betting on the Tesla stock crash. Learn about autonomous AI trading algorithms
Why is Crocs Outperforming Tesla? AI Algorithms Dictate the Rules in the Stock Market

Americans are eager to pay $1,400 for a pair of Crocs. Their dream is to have one on the Christmas tree.

If you comprehend the mentality of a stupid American, you retire rich betting against them enjoying your life.

The video was streamed hundreds of times worldwide in 2022, helping everyone to crush Americans making exorbitant profits by buying Crocs shares while selling short Tesla.

Crocs's share price soared to $123 in today's session. Yesterday we bought more shares, and today, at the open bell. We aim to take advantage of 320 million stupid Americans. It works all the time.

Tesla Short-Sellers Profit Soar to $22 Billion Live Today. Be Part of the Legend
Alex Vieira, who bet everything on the Tesla stock crash, sharing his vision with investors worldwide, commented about the ludicrous, stupid genius Elon Musk, the only one to blame for Tesla’s destruction, one of the most significant companies in history.
Tesla Short-Sellers Profit Soar to $22 Billion Live Today. Be Part of the Legend