Insider Selling Shows Shocking Truth About Coronavirus Pandemic

Would you like to learn the naked truth about the coronavirus pandemic? Start by learning about insider selling from top U.S officials taking advantage of the Coronavirus Pandemic.  

The 2008 financial crisis started in the United States. U.S banks carefully planned it. Then, they spread it to the rest of the world.

Here we are in 2020, but this time around, likely headed towards the first global depression.

We’re looking at something that’s catastrophic on a level that we have not seen for an infectious disease since 1918,” said Jeffrey Shaman, a professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia and the leader of the research team, referring to the Spanish flu. “And it’s requiring sacrifices we haven’t seen since World War II. There are going to be enormous disruptions. There’s no easy way out.

U.S Senators and individuals tied to Wall Street dumped millions of dollars in stocks using confidential information coming from the Trump administration.

This is an official report addressing a blatant violation of the STOCK Act. which bars members of Congress from using inside information from their official positions for private gain.

All this happened while Donald Trump played down the coronavirus outbreak mocking serious scientific data, you, your family, and the community for the benefit of others.

The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all the relevant countries. Stock market starting to look very good to me! Donald Trump.

And, while they have been playing their games making fun of you, we told you the truth about all this.  Yes, they have been lying to you since the beginning, and you know it.

White House economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, said he expected the virus to “maybe” knock 0.2-0.3% off the US GDP in the first quarter.

The Naked Truth

Alex Vieira Warns Sell Everything Coronavirus Numbers Worse Than Forecasts - Autonomous AI Trading
Be aware gambler and crooks spreading fake news! The best thing to do is to sell everything waiting for things to settle before your account might be eventually devastated. We’re seeing dark clouds on the horizon. Cash in the bank.

I know about 2020 Black Monday events since December 2019, and once again, I was there warning you about what was coming, therefore, my sincere recommendation is just one:

Do your homework because I have done mine.
Billionaire Forecasts Black Monday Coming! Horrible Crash Ahead! - Autonomous AI Trading
The world’s best investors never seen stocks so expensive in a generation warning investors for what’s coming! Thousands of ignorants will lose their life savings while savvy investors are going to make billions We’ve been using Americans as Guinea Pigs with astonishing success. While there’s an Ame…
Alex Vieira Selling Wayfair $160 Forecasting Horrible Market Crash 2020
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How $11 Trillions Are Gone!

Our advise was shared with you for free in real-time helping honest persons like you getting out at the very top making ludicrous profits on both sides.

Legend Who Called Best Stock Rally in Decades is Taking Profits by autonomoustrading on

List of things that you shall do and not do during the coronavirus pandemic. Follow these simple guidelines for your own benefit.

What You Shall Do and Not Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic
List of things that you shall do and not do during the coronavirus pandemic. Follow these simple guidelines for your own benefit. Donate to the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support WHO and partners.

Today these same folks are selling you "stimulus" packs. Do you know why? I do, but I will not say. I've said too much. Do your homework.