Genius Who Called GameStop Crash on YouTube Has Just Dumped DoorDash on Reddit WallStreetbets
Intuitive Code team had an investment stake in DoorDash (DASH), but dumped it at $253 onto Reddit Wallstreetbets terrorist group after learning from their interest in buying shares together with GameStop and AMC.
Intuitive Code team had an investment stake in DoorDash (DASH), but dumped it at $253 onto Reddit Wallstreetbets terrorist group after learning from their interest in buying shares with GameStop and AMC.
Intuitive Code CEO upgraded DoorDash to Strong Buy at $143, letting investors know about it on Twitter and autonomous trading free live market feed.
But then, the terrorist group Reddit WallStreetbets came buying DoorDash (DASH), and thousands of savvy investors following our real-time AI trading dumped on them. You can learn and watch everything live on Alex Vieira YouTube for members.
The legendary investor Alex Vieira warned everyone on YouTube about what would happen on GameStop and AMC, making billions of dollars short-selling and burning alive terrorists with accounts on Reddit, Robinhood, and wallstreetbets.
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