Free Live Market Feed Gives Billions to Investors Investing in DoorDash and Airbnb

Our free live market feed has given billions in actual profits to investors. I got rich buying shares of the most expensive stocks in the world squeezing all those who bet against me inflicting unbearable pain to non-believers. I show it live on tape, DoorDash, and AirBnB.

People did not want to invest in Tesla. Do you know why? read this article

People did not want to invest in Lemonade? Do you know why? read this article

I bought all of them plus shares of the most expensive stocks in the world, DoorDash and AirBnB.

Intuitive Code CEO Bought Airbnb Shares Because They Are Damn Expensive - Automated A.I Trading Financial Live News
Intuitive Code CEO bought Airbnb shares because they are really expensive and she believes that people will buy even higher. She also bought Tesla at $160 when Elon Musk said that was expensive. The more expensive they are, the better it is. I cannot stop making money.
Buy AirBNB shares

People are just outrageously stupid because they truly believe they know more than others. You don't. I did my best to help you making your first million dollars betting against stupid people.  

Our free live market feed has given billions of profits to investors.

I make my own decisions. I don't follow anyone.

Learn the truth about Warren Buffett, the SEC, Michael Burry, Wall Street, the market crash of 2007, those spreading fake news about Tesla, and why the fool Donald Trump became President of the United States.

Start investing in our portfolio for free today! We started investing in Shopify since $19

Intuitive Code CEO Raises Shopify to $800 Ahead of Earnings
Shopify is the number one investment choice for Intuitive Code CEO. She explains her point of view given solid reasons to invest in Shopify. Learn why Shopify could be headed to $800 making a comparison to other companies as Tesla, Wayfair, and Peloton.
Intuitive Code CEO recommends buying Shopify

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