Cannabis Stocks Crash as Market Legend Increases Short Positions
Cannabis, ORACLE and cryptocurrencies is synonymous of American SCAMS therefore investors' profits are increasing 730% by following the guidance of Perelman's AI trading algorithm instead of relying on SCAMS!
Cannabis, ORACLE and cryptocurrencies is synonymous of American SCAMS therefore investors' profits are increasing 730% by following the guidance of Perelman's AI trading algorithm instead of relying on SCAMS!
The Crash Will Be Horrendous
Americans lost all their money gambling in cannabis stocks and cryptocurrencies, now they are buying Tesla as the Oracle turned bullish ahead of the collapse.
The opportunities for an investor in the markets today more than quadrupled compared to last month. The bubble is truly horrendous!
We strongly recommend that you sell short CANNABIS STOCKS AN AMERICAN SCAM!
Alex Vieira Says Stock Market Crash is Just the Beginning