Autonomous Trading Uses Sun Tzu on Algorithm to Predict ROKU and TWILIO Earnings

This articles discusses recent profits obtained by subscribers to Autonomous Trading on ROKU and TWILIO including investment lessons based on Sun-Tzu philosophy used in Perelman's AI Algorithm

ROKU Earnings Forecast Gives $1 Milion to Investor.

I am not referring to a large investor. Unlike one may think it is not necessary to have a very large account to make $1 million dollars if you know what the stock is going to do utilizing the correct financial instrument and my live support.

The video responsible for this average profit (the term average profit is used since I have clients with more than $8 million profit investing in ROKU since IPO) is available here.

The video is free for platinum members. The video cannot be made public at this moment since it contains trading strategies, and the game played in ROKU, which shall not be disclosed to scammers on the web losing money every day for our benefit.

The most important here is to continue inflicting the largest losses ever in the stock market to scammers and criminals. This is how it is done using the real Sun-Tzu. Everything else on the web is a scam. Vieira

More on how to invest in ROKU available here

TWILIO Earnings Forecast Gives $5 Milion to Investor.

This one is rather simple. Read the article Autonomous Trading CEO Shocks Wall Street with Twilio Stock Forecast

Best Hedge Fund Manager on Best AI Stocks to Buy Twilio

Autonomous Trading Distributes $17 Million to Amazon investors

This is the subject of the next article. Meanwhile, you may refer to this one here:

Amazon Share Price Surges Above $1900 on New AI Trading Bot plans

UNBELIEVABLE! Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Trading Amazon Earnings

Stepping in real-time for free explaining how to invest in Amazon Strong Buy since $77