Alex Vieira Who Predicted the U.S to Lead in Coronavirus Cases Talks About the Future

A few weeks ago, Alex Vieira, predicted the United States would lead the world in Coronavirus cases. In February, he warned investors to sell everything ahead of the great market crash disclosing the truth about the coronavirus.

Alex Vieira Who Predicted the U.S to Lead in Coronavirus Cases Talks About the Future

A few weeks ago, Alex Vieira, predicted the United States would lead the world in Coronavirus cases. In February, he warned investors to sell everything ahead of the great market crash disclosing the truth about the coronavirus.

Everything Alex Vieira says it materializes soon or later.

Read Intuitive Code notification

Coronavirus Update: Alex Vieira Says U.S Can Be Far Worse Than Italy - Autonomous AI Trading
Up to 150 million Americans are expected to contract the coronavirus. Complete chaos! Suckers in denial. The death toll can go ballistic. We warned you for free, unique in history.The United States will be worse than in Italy. They are doing NO tests. Irresponsible President. US coronavirus numbers …
U.S will be far worse than Italy

In February, at the very top in the markets he warned everyone to sell everything

Alex Vieira Warns Sell Everything Coronavirus Numbers Worse Than Forecasts - Autonomous AI Trading
Be aware gambler and crooks spreading fake news! The best thing to do is to sell everything waiting for things to settle before your account might be eventually devastated. We’re seeing dark clouds on the horizon. Cash in the bank.
Alex Vieira discloses the truth about coronavirus

In December 2019, he said that markets would suffer a horrible crash in 2020 seeing a Black Monday (you got two so far)

Billionaire Forecasts Black Monday Coming! Horrible Crash Ahead! - Autonomous AI Trading
The world’s best investors never seen stocks so expensive in a generation warning investors for what’s coming! Thousands of ignorants will lose their life savings while savvy investors are going to make billions We’ve been using Americans as Guinea Pigs with astonishing success. While there’s an Ame…

While everyone else focus their attention on what's happening today, we discuss the future which is known.

Alex Vieira Demonstrates Future Already Happened Coronavirus Impact is Known
What you see happening in the markets in 2020 was described by Alex Vieira last year in 2019. Watch here the demonstration including Einstein Theory of Relativity for beginners.

Alex Vieira updated investors during the weekend releasing further data for what's coming ahead in the markets and in the world.

  • Is the coronavirus a natural disaster or was it developed in a lab?
  • How to invest in the markets going forward?
  • Will central banks be able stop a global depression?
  • Geo-pollitical changes
  • The Future of the European Union
  • The Role of China and Russia with COVID-19
  • What's coming after COVID-19? The COVID-20?
  • and much more....

Intuitive Code does not disclose how to get access to this information.

Alex Vieira recommends

  1. Watching Chris Cuomo, one of the very few intelligent Americans, since 98% of the population is utterly stupid.
  2. Contribute to COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
What You Shall Do and Not Do During the Coronavirus Pandemic
List of things that you shall do and not do during the coronavirus pandemic. Follow these simple guidelines for your own benefit. Donate to the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund to support WHO and partners.

We leave you with some humor, Donald Trump comments on his tremendously negative Coronavirus test results beating a world record.