Alex Vieira Warns Robinhood Traders Stock Crashes 80% Overnight!
Alex has been repeatedly warning investors about Robinhood. Yesterday, he issued a new warning sending shares crashing 80% overnight. His prediction about suicides among Robinhood traders became very real.

Alex has been repeatedly warning investors about Robinhood. Yesterday, he issued a new warning sending shares crashing 80% overnight. His prediction about suicides among Robinhood traders became very real.
As Elena recently stated on her article,
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Einstein.
Alex Vieira prediction of suicides among Robinhood traders became very real

Unlimited Profits Betting Against FED
Alex Vieira explains why you must sell shares of Luckin Coffee and Hertz naming both FED zombie companies. Alex Vieira accused the FED as the only responsible entity for what's happening in the markets helping thousands of gamblers to speculate in bankrupt companies

Alex Vieira Goes ALL in Betting Against Robinhood Traders!
Yesterday, he issued a new warning sending shares crashing 80% overnight. His prediction about suicides among Robinhood traders became very real.

For those with access to the autonomous news app, the company that Alex Vieira mentioned yesterday crashed 80% overnight.
Unlimited Profits Betting Against Robinhood Traders
For those with access to Intuitive Code A.I Premium, profits are unlimited!

Perelman A.I algorithm found heaven betting against Robinhood scammers. Mass suicide ahead is a viable scenario. Alex Vieira