AI Vision Sells Facebook Predicting Short Sellers Collapse as Bulls Return to the Stock Market

Bulls are back to the stock market buying stocks after the rally while short sellers are closing their short positions at record losses. Professionals are having their best January in the past decades disregarding the opinion of Jeffrey Gundlach

AI Vision Sells Facebook Predicting Short Sellers Collapse as Bulls Return to the Stock Market

Bulls are back to the stock market buying stocks after the rally while short sellers are closing their short positions at record losses. Professionals are having their best January in the past decades disregarding the opinion of Jeffrey Gundlach

Hilarious! Jeffrey Gundlach Announces BEAR Market at the BOTTOM!

Facebook posted the best earnings quarter in the tech sector soaring to $171.4.

Autonomous AI Vision upgraded Facebook at a price of $127 in 2018 when the crowd turned bearish.

Say GodBye to Facebook

Despite the good quarter Facebook is dead, the company was downgraded to Strong Sell at $217.  Dump now ahead of the coming crash!

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