The Whistleblower that Exposed XL Fleet Fraud Points the Finger at Jim Cramer Fraud on MercadoLibre
Have you lost your life savings buying shares of fraudulent U.S companies in the stock market, CNBC Mad Money host, Jim Cramer, told you to buy? Learn how Jim Cramer is now all over the world scamming naive investors. Unfortunately, the Motley Fool is using the same tactics.

Have you lost your life savings buying shares of fraudulent U.S companies in the stock market, CNBC Mad Money host, Jim Cramer, told you to buy? Learn how Jim Cramer is now all over the world scamming naive investors. Unfortunately, the Motley Fool is using the same tactics.
We have had a Strong-Buy rating on MercadoLibre (MELI) for consecutive years; however, AI VISION recently downgraded the rating to Junk at $1,950, calling the attention of investors for the fraud. Are you familiar with Jim Cramer and the Motley Fool?

Since IPO, we have had a Strong-Buy rating on PayPal (PYPL); however, we downgraded the rating to Strong Sell at $306.

You can watch Alex Vieira Live Trading selling PayPal at $300 on Discord; it's free.
Jim Cramer Strikes Again. MercadoLibre Fraud
MercadoLibre is a Mexican and Brazilian overvalued piece of shit with connections to Bolsonaro, one of the most remarkable criminals in history, a Brazilian con artist, close to Donald Trump.
Bolsonaro and Jim Cramer are both terrorists. Alex Vieira
It is common for con artists as Jim Cramer and Motley Fool to use Yahoo Finance to lure investors into buying grossly overvalued assets; therefore, you shall be VERY careful investing in MercadoLibre (MELI).

Are you familiar with XL Fleet (XL)? Jim Cramer partnered with Citron Research to convince the ignorant to buy a fraud using Yahoo Finance! as the vehicle to spread the news.
Do not ever trust Jim Cramer. Alex Vieira

Jim Cramer Fraud on ROKU tech bubble
The Autonomous AI Trading team raised its short-selling stake on ROKU, aiming to collapse the tech bubble since the group sold its stake at $484. Alex Vieira downgraded ROKU to junk, inviting everyone to participate