Take Control Of Your Future Picking Up The Best Companies to Invest in

Alex Vieira explains how did he get started in the markets and how you can pick up the best companies to invest, as he has been doing for 35 years. He chooses ten companies to discuss his long-term vision.

Take Control Of Your Future Picking Up The Best Companies to Invest in

Alex Vieira's launches his own Netflix subscription channel. He explains how did he get started investing in the markets and how you can pick up the best companies to invest, as he has been doing for 35 years. He chooses ten companies to discuss his long-term vision on how they would change the world.

How to Pick up the Best Companies to Invest in

Invest in your education, learn how to develop strategic thinking, to plan, and execute according to a long-term vision. Alex's coaching has improved the lifestyle of thousands helping them to comprehend the future. Learn how to develop confidence, to stop failing before adversities, to focus on what matters instead of being manipulated by third-parties and fake news. Stop being a slave to society and learn about what you can accomplish as a human being no one has ever told you. Learn about the most influential companies in artificial intelligence.

Learn Anywhere & Anytime

Alex's channel is available on the iPhone, iPad, ROKU, Fire TV, Apple TV, Web, Android, and Android TV.

No experience required

You do not have to have any experience in the markets or comprehend how they work to benefit from Alex's coaching.

For your family

No need to purchase individual licenses. Watch together with your family.

How does it work

It works as Netflix. You can find more information and availability on Intuitive Code investor portal.


Alex's first series of 10 episodes is available for $999