SEC Investigates Nikola on Alex Vieira Fraud Allegations
I am extremely concerned with fraud, my sentiment is shared with millions of informed people who can be scammed and robbed anytime by fraudulent Americans willing to do anything. I have been offering FREE Tesla Roadsters for you, your family and the SEC for months. Just execute and pick it up.

I am extremely concerned with fraud, my sentiment is shared with millions of informed people who can be scammed and robbed anytime by fraudulent Americans willing to do anything. I have been offering FREE Tesla Roadsters for you, your family and the SEC for months. Just execute and pick it up.
I have been offering FREE Tesla Roadsters for you, your family and the SEC for months. Just execute and pick it up. Alex Vieira

Have you ever heard about Morgan Stanley? It remind us of Angelo Mozilo from Countrywide Financial, an American crook who I warned you about years ago.

Alex Vieira urged investors to increase significantly their short positions on Nikola as the fraud he called in erupted finally on the media. He called Nikola, a NON-RISK investment, for short-sellers $300 million profit GUARANTEED!
The live trading news app includes 100% real-time trade alerts on Nikola including ratings and price targets on both sides to make MILLIONS OF DOLLARS RISK-FREE, i.e. FULL GUARANTEE $10 MILLION DOLLARS.

Nikola share price plunged to $30.5 after hours on the live news!