Investor Follows Bugatti Example Investing in Unknown Company Selling on Wall Street Hype
Bugatti will soon no longer be owned by the Volkswagen Group. Instead, the new owner, Mate Rimac, is a relatively unknown manufacturer of electric super sports cars from Zagreb. But to many, it seemed impossible that an electric car builder from Croatia would take over the entire company.

Bugatti will soon no longer be owned by the Volkswagen Group. Instead, the new owner, Mate Rimac, is a relatively unknown manufacturer of electric super sports cars from Zagreb. But to many, it seemed impossible that an electric car builder from Croatia would take over the entire company.
The fact is those unknown companies have more buying power than most people imagine. Take the example of Mate Rimac.
A few weeks ago, I bought three continuous stakes on an unknown biotech company I and a few in Wall Street are aware of, but 99% of the world population has never heard about. Is it a good investment? Time will say, citing my friend Padre Nicolau - only God knows.
Buying Unknown Biotech Company Shares
Stocks have been so damn cheap; I increased positions in companies where we already had large investments, according to my old saying - the more you make, the more you can make, and the market proved me right.
About this new investing idea, shares have not moved much since my purchases. Maybe, finally, I got something wrong, but, definitely, the market is so good it gives any investor time to make decisions without suffering a loss.
Selling on Eleven Wall Street Upgrades
However, we do not stop here - reporting to facts; I exited a large one the moment eleven Wall Street analysts upgraded shares of a company. Unsurprisingly, its share price dived fast, but I guess the crowd is happy contributing to record bonuses and salaries in Wall Street.
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When I started investing in Virgin Galactic at single digits, no one was talking about it. It reminds me of Snap and Netflix because I started investing in both basically at the same price. Back then, Jim Cramer called Netflix a Wall Street Dog, and thousands of parasites on Yahoo Finance said that Snap was bankrupt.
In 2021, Cramer made a luxurious comeback appearing before 360 million Americans, telling them to invest in XL Fleet; they received him in apotheosis, writing on Reddit about the American Cesar.
Although it might shock you, the last time I was in Rome, I saw an American being forced to eat shit.
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Selling-Short Unknown Cryptocurrency
Would you like to learn about value vs. non-value and how you can get rich investing in non-value. You find it on YouTube for members a lesson addressing an unknown cryptocurrency - if I may use this term.
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