Wall Street Top Biotech Advisor Invest in BIOGEN Long-Term

BIOGEN (BIIB) is seen as best in class biotech companies to invest in worldwide deserving a Strong Buy rating and the highest price target among biotech stock analysts.

AI Biotech Fund Biogen Strong Buy rating

Intuitive Code AI has a Strong Buy rating in shares of BIOGEN (BIIB) since $58 urging investors to accumulate a large stake in this biotech company.

Wall Street Top Biotech Advisor Invest in Biogen Long-Term $BIIB

BIOGEN is a major component of Autonomous Trading AI Biotech portfolio along with other names mentioned in our Blog. Any serious investor in the biotech sector has to have a large position. Furthermore, the fact that fools as Warren Buffett have never invested in is a clear bullish sign. Refer to our comments about this American fool who missed the best bull market in history without buying a single share of Amazon. Vieira

BIOGEN share price zoomed to new-all time highs in 2018 reaching $362 during market hours session - follow the word's best biotech analyst live on the tape in real-time!

BIOGEN Strong Buy rating! Buy at any price early in the morning! My stock picks are flying

Best Biotech Stocks to Buy Now!

Besides BIOGEN investors have terrific investment opportunities in the biotech sector either on the long and short side.  As an example, you can buy shares of Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Strong Buy since $77, or you can buy the next biotech stock to soar as a subscriber to Autonomous Trading on VOD.

I have subscribers with triple digit profit in their first month while scammers are fighting to make a penny! Vieira
